Saturday, March 2, 2024

Program on March 30th


Harrisville Public Library

Saturday, March 30th

10:00 a.m.


All are welcome!

Harnessing History: On the Trail of New Hampshire's State Dog, the Chinook

This program looks at how dog sledding developed in New Hampshire and how the Chinook played a major role in this story. Explaining how man and his relationship with dogs won out over machines on several famous polar expeditions, Bob Cottrell covers the history of Arthur Walden and his Chinooks, the State Dog of New Hampshire


Bob Cottrell

Bob Cottrell holds an MA from the Winterthur Program in Early American Culture in Delaware. The founding director of the Remick Country Doctor Museum in Tamworth, he is now the curator of the Henney History Room at the Conway Public Library, a board member at the Conway Historical Society, and president ex-officio of the Tamworth Historical Society. He serves as an independent history and museum consultant.